Jump to Adoption Conclusions With Your Confidential Intermediary

Published by AZAA on

Indeed, every Arizona confidential intermediary hears it about adoption.

During our no-obligation phone consultations, clients say:

“My birth mother probably doesn’t want me to find her or she would have looked by now.”


“My child must not want me to find him, because he never looked for me.”

Every variation of these thoughts, we hear it.

It’s important to realize these conclusions are not correct.

As an Arizona confidential intermediary, you would not believe how many people we contact who don’t know how to start the process, think they are “not allowed” to search for biological parents or a birth child, or never start the adoption search for the same reason – they think the other person is not interested.

Although it can be hard, don’t let negative thoughts stop you from the adoption search.

For example, this article on “jumping to conclusions” states:

“Start by gathering as much information as you can before you make a judgment or decision.”

Once you take this advice, you re-frame your mindset!

  • Imagine you enter this situation feeling positive instead of negative.
  • Imagine a caring, trusted professional who walks you through the confidential intermediary process, step by step.
  • Imagine you fill the holes in your adoption story.

Enter Arizona Adoption Answers! Let us help you gather all the facts.

How does an Arizona Confidential Intermediary work?

  • We discuss your needs. What is your adoption story? What do you already know? What do you hope to achieve?
  • We explain the process. What is an Arizona confidential intermediary? What is a confidential intermediary allowed to do? What adoption information does a confidential intermediary have access to? How long does the process take?
  • We will go over the cost. Fees are affordable, as the court and AZAA both believe that Confidential Intermediary services should be available to all.
  • We will explain how to get started. There are some forms to complete and a down payment will be required.

Above all, it’s vital you not jump to conclusions. Don’t just imagine! Let’s find answers.