How it Works

The Confidential Intermediary process is designed to provide the highest degree of confidentiality and sensitivity for everyone involved.

  1. We begin with a confidential, no-obligation phone call. We discuss your needs, explain the process, go over the cost, and talk about how to get started.
  2. You complete the forms and submit your information and payment.
  3. We submit the required paperwork to review the sealed adoption records. Records may include items such as the original birth certificate, adoption agency files, and court adoption paperwork. These records may only be viewed by AZAA, not photocopied or taken from the court. Any identifying information reviewed is private and is not allowed to be shared with anyone, including our client.
  4. Information acquired from the record reviews is used to locate the search subject(s). We use our extensive network of research channels to find contact information such as addresses, phone numbers, etc. Each case is different and this part of the process can take a few hours to several weeks or months.
  5. We use phone calls, emails, and mail to make contact with the search subject. We take great care to keep the process private from other family members, friends, and co-workers. Once contact is made, we explain the process to the search subject and work with both parties to establish mutually agreed-upon terms for information exchange/contact. It takes time to make contact with the search subject, and sometimes the search subject needs time to process before moving forward.
  6. Once written, notarized forms from both parties are completed and in our possession, information is exchanged, and reconnections are made!